02 Aug New High Potential Individual visa route
The UK government has announced that a new visa route will allow ‘High potential individuals’ to come to the UK without a job offer, this will be under the Points Based System.
This change is in line with the UK’s Innovation Strategy which aims to make the UK a global hub for innovation by 2035. This new visa category will
‘make it as simple as possible for internationally mobile individuals who demonstrate high potential to come to the UK. Eligibility will be open to applicants who have graduated from a top global university. The UK government will explore the scope to expand eligibility to other characteristics of high potential. There will be no job offer requirement, giving individuals the flexibility to work, switch jobs or employers and make contributions to the UK economy. The route will also allow eligible individuals to extend their visa and settle in the UK, subject to meeting specific requirements.’
The government is yet to publish the requirements for this category. However, one can immediately wonder what will be deemed a ‘top global university.’? Will there be a full list of handpicked institutions? Will it only be available to new graduates? Will they be required to find a job within a certain number of months once their visa is granted? Will they only be allowed to apply for jobs in line with the subject studied or will this category be quite flexible?
New information has also been published in regard to the prospective ‘scale-up visa.’ This will be open to migrants with a high skilled job from a qualified scale-up. A ‘scale-up’ is a business which can meet the following requirement:
‘demonstrate an annual average revenue or employment growth rate over a three-year period greater than 20%, and a minimum of 10 employees at the start of the three-year period.’
In addition, there are likely going to be a few changes to the innovator route. This includes removing the £50,000 investment funds requirement and lowering the overall threshold. Applicants may only need to show that their business has the potential to grow, add value to the UK and is innovative.